- How can I change my password?
# You can change your passord by using the "lost password" procedure on the login page. You will get an email with password reset link.
- What are the main uses of "Good-DNS.net" Domain Name Service?
# For dynamic IPs (home): You can have a FQDN (internet name) pointing to the IP address of your home router/gateway, and have the IP automatically updated with the "robot url" feature or your DNS entry. This enables you to access your home data/services from Internet, so for example you may host a website or access your NAS data. # For static IPs (tests or anything): You can have a FQDN (internet name) pointing to the IP address of your choice, and change it when you want. This way you may for example direct users to a host A, then have a new version of your service on host B and change your DNS entry to point to B. Having a DNS name also can help you get a SSL certificate (e.g. Let's encrypt). There are various situations where a FQDN is useful, and it is usually nicer than an IP address.
- Can I have an FQDN outside ".good-dns.net" domain?
# No. By now it is the unique domain available here for FREE service.
- What do I get with premium registration?
# Depending on the premium option(s) subscribed. Options will include: set more than 5 IPs in the DNS, set one or more DNS wilcard.
- What is a DNS wilcard?
# A DNS wilcard is something like '*.wildcard.good-dns.net' FQDN. It stands for '<anything>.wildcard.good-dns.net'. Hence if you make '*.wildcard.good-dns.net' wilcard point to IP, lookups of 'foo.wildcard.good-dns.net' and 'abcd.wildcard.good-dns.net' will be resolved to IP . With that you can use virtual hosting (many web servers in one) with Apache or Nginx.
- How can I get support?
# Click here to mail webmaster
- When will premium registration be available?
# Soon. No date yet. If you want to speed up this service delivery send mail to webmaster (see above).
- Can I track the IPs of my DNS entries?
# You can be notified by email about IP changes by adding "¬ify=true" at the end of the robot url.
- Why is this website so ugly?
# Design was not the priority... 😅